“Let’s Think This Over”

Economic Slavery


Slavery. There’s a word we hear Democrats use.

It comes up when they tear down statues.

It came up in the 1619 Project.

It comes up when they teach 'Censored Studies 'in public schools - 

you know it was originally Social Studies.


The British started  a practice before the American Revolution that was continued by the Democrats 

after the war- slavery.

In our Congress, Dems fought

to keep slavery .

Dems fought for it in the Civil War, which killed about 620,000 soldiers.

Dems fought for it in the courts with “Plessy vs. Ferguson”. 

More recently Democrats fought for economic slavery on the steps of high schools and

at voting booths in the South.

It appears they finally lost. That is what it appears.

- BUT _

If you were to impose slavery today,

how would you do it?

How would you impose a system of poverty and dependency

on the descendants of the log ago oppressed?

Let us see what the democrats

have done.


Going back historically the key to keeping the slaves down was not to educate them.

The exceptions prove education makes a difference.

Phyllis Wheatley is an example.

James Armistad Lafayette is another.

Frederick Douglass was taught by his owner’s daughter.


When you study the performance of minority students in Democrat run school systems,

 you realize hat the party of compassion is not so compassionate.

In New York, over half of the graduates are not proficient in reading.

Over half are not proficient in mathematics.

What jobs are will they be qualified for in life if they can’t read well

or  do mathematics?

The lowest paying jobs.

The jobs very much like the ones

that the slaves had many years ago.



The Democrats still believe in and create Slavery.

They are just better at hiding it from us.

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