What is an SMR?

SMRs are nuclear fission reactors which are smaller than conventional nuclear reactors.

They can be constructed on a specific location and shipped by train and truck or ship

to the site where they will operate.

Electrical power output is less than 300M.

For Wikipedia information,  click 'here.'

*Note that fusion power is mentioned.



SMR Uses


The recent report on the growth of the population of the United States seems to have a problem.

The country’s growth is reported to be 0.4% for the year 2022, making our population about 333,000,000.

That is about 1,250,000 more than last year. These figures are from the latest release from the Census Bureau. The Bureau numbers also show that 70% of the net population growth occurred in just two states:

Florida and Texas.


But the reported growth of 1,250,000 cannot be accurate, unless there was a severe die off of existing citizens more than 2,000,000 above expectations.


Why is that so? The US Customs and Border Patrol registered 2,378,000 encounters for the fiscal year 2022. 465,000 encounters have occurred in the first two months of 2023 Fiscal Year.


The Census Bureau also said there was an uptick in births that was the highest since 2007.


This government census report must be inaccurate and cannot be trusted. It does not take into account the illegals entering the country in record numbers. Those businesses and government agencies that make projections based on these population reports can ‘count on’ getting the future wrong.

...August 22, 2022

China building world's first commercial land-based SMR.

Click 'here.'

...June 6, 2022

Electricity becoming accessible and affordable with SMRs in South Korea, Belgium,

Romania, UK. USA. and China .

...January 13, 2021

U.S. U.K. and Canada are growing in use of SMRs.


Benefits of SMR Technology


A huge benefit is that the fuel needed for SMRs is

the waste products

from the larger nuclear facilities and bombs!

NIMB [not in my backyard] is a concern no more.


Mr. Tesla


A man before his time.

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