Homeschool Benefits

The most delightful aspect of homeschooling is the freedom to go outside the home.

I experienced this when my students were pulled out of the classroom

 for enriched activities. A few of activities are in this book,

True Learning

Eighteen Strategies for Learners

Ideas for You Today, the Parent

Visit your city administrators. We interviewed the City Planner who showed us super large maps of city areas. The students saw roads plus those planned along with new subdivisions.  How people have input in the decisions was explained - letters and town hall meetings.

The botanical garden provided us with unique plants with unifamilial structures. The children were challenged to invent a 'scientific' report that explained how it collects water and grows new leaves.

The library, visited by the public bus, meant studying transportation schedules, learning about the Dewey Decimal system including its history, and finding books for their research.

Exploring the world of adults is a new view of life

for homeschool students.

Have fun!

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